The Five Pillars of PLĀ

From day one, our aim is to treat each child as the unique individual they are. We get to know each child through an observation process, paying close attention to:

  • which work materials they are drawn to

  • how they interact with peers and adults

  • what makes them smile, feel sad, and what motivates them

  • what their strongest interests are

  • how they absorb and process information

All of this data helps our staff to provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum.



PLĀ students learn to ask questions, follow a systematic process of observation, collect and analyze data, and conduct controlled experiments. From sorting objects according to the materials they are made of to teach the concept of classification, to dropping marbles in maple syrup to explore viscosity, materials and lessons are meant to encourage a sense of wonder at the grandeur of the universe.


At PLĀ we have found that teaching the foundation for math and geometry to young learners is best developed through familiar concepts and learning materials. We help children strengthen their inborn ability to see differences and similarities, patterns and sequences found in their environment.


Art, Music & Movement

PLĀ students are encouraged to express their feelings, experiences, and creativity through art, music, and movement. This helps to refine gross motor, fine motor, auditory discrimination, and self-expression skills.

Practical Life

Through exercises in daily living, we help your child gain confidence and mastery of their environment. After individual skills are refined, they are applied in purposeful work, such as serving juice or helping tend the garden. These activities contribute to the control and coordination of movement, development of concentration, and the self-esteem that comes with making a real contribution in our community.


Language Development

At PLĀ we encourage language development through story time, which often times happens throughout the day, not just at circle time. We have a writing table where children practice writing letters & cards to family and friends. We also engage the children in dialogue through All About Me stories.

The Mission of PLĀ


To offer an eclectic learning experience for young visionaries through the arts, Black history, STEM, and community involvement.